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Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning!

I hope you all managed to spend some of yesterday outside in the sun.

Remember you have your daily activities: spellings, Reading Eggs and TTRockstars. You can also log on to a website called Numbots ( ) using your TTRockstars login and play some activities on that too.


Today I need your help. My littlest boy, Joe, wants some new stories for bedtime, but I can’t decide which ones to get. Can you make some recommendations for me? Choose your favourite story, or stories, and write me a book review so that I can choose the best ones to read to him. You can either set it out in your own way (try and remember paragraphs), or if you can and want to, you can download a template from here:

Year Two – I would also like you to start one of your reading booklets that you took home.


Please continue with the activities set on Education City. If it doesn’t work when you first try, don’t worry, just try again later.

Year Two, remember that you have your extra packs. You can complete some activities from those.

Lastly in maths, on TTRockstars there is a section called Studio. This may be a challenge, but once you have completed it 10 times you earn your Rock Star status and will appear on the school leaderboard. I’m not suggesting you complete it ten times today, although you can if you like, but I would like you to make a start on it please.


Today I thought that I would set you a mini project. You don’t have to do it all today, because you are going to need to spend some time planning it first.

All the details can be found here:

I look forward to seeing pictures of your models!

Enjoy your learning and make the most of the lovely weather!

Missing you all,

Mrs Gregory

Wednesday 25th March 2020

Happy Wednesday!

Halfway through the week and what a lovely sunny day! Make sure you manage to get outside into the garden today and enjoy some sunshine while we’ve got it!

Today I am going to give you activities based on English, Maths and History. I know that some of the websites are proving a bit tricky to load, so I’m going to try and balance things out a bit more.

First of all, please remember to do your daily activities: Reading Eggs and TTRockstars. You can also log on to a website called Numbots ( ) using your TTRockstars login and play some activities on that too.


Some of you will remember Mrs Sivri who used to be the teacher in Pimhill. Well, she now works at Lymehurst Care Home and has asked me if some of us would like to write letters and draw pictures for the residents there as they can’t have any visitors.

When you have written your letter you have three choices. You can either:

  • post it directly to Mrs Sivri at Lymehurst, 112 Ellesmere Rd, Shrewsbury SY1 2QT
  • post it to school and we will send them on
  • e-mail it to school and I can forward them to Mrs Sivri.


Year One – Please continue with the activities set on Education City. If it doesn’t work when you first try, don’t worry, just try again later.

Year Two – Please do some of the Maths from the activity pack that I sent home with you.


Try to teach one of the other people in your house the Horrible Histories Monarchs song from .

Then, I would like you to choose any King or Queen since 1066. Please draw a picture of them and create a factfile of their life. Remember you need to include things like the important dates, who they were married to, their children and any other interesting or relevant information about things that happened when they were on the throne.

Finally, instead of an Audible recommendation today, I’m going to suggest that you listen to one of David Walliams’ stories from The World’s Worst Children 2. You can find them at .

Enjoy your learning!

Missing you all,

Mrs Gregory

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning!

Today our learning is going to include English, Maths and R.E.

How about starting your day joining in with Joe Wicks’ P.E. lesson at If you can’t join in with his live lesson, there are plenty of workout activities designed especially for children to carry out at home.


  • Keep on practising your spellings. Use these as a way to practise your handwriting by writing each word five times.
  • Think back to our visit to Chirk Castle. In your books write a TripAdvisor style review of the castle. Here is an example of a review looks like.

  • Reading Eggs. Today I would like you to complete the next lesson on your maps.
  • Education City – Phonics. Please carry on with the activities from yesterday.


  • Times Tables Rockstars. I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes practising your tables.
  • If you want some extra maths to do, the test you did on Education City yesterday should have created a revision guide just for you. You can do some of these activities whenever you like.


Remind yourself of the Easter story. You could use this video to help

Then, I would like you to create an Easter Card, using some of the symbols we have talked about that show the ‘true’ meaning of Easter. When you have completed your card, think about who you could give it to. If you want to post it to school we can then send it out to brighten up the day for people in the community who might not have any visitors at the moment.


Today’s recommendation for Audible is Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Story – How the Camel got his Hump.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs Gregory

Monday 23rd March 2020

Good Morning!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.

Today our learning is going to include English, Maths and Science.


  • Practise your new spellings. These are in the spellings section of our class website page. Write a sentence for each word. Remember to think about how you have formed your letters and what punctuation you need.
  • Reading Eggs. I have set you a Storyland lesson, which has a number of different activities to complete.
  • Education City. In the Homework section, click on you phonics city. In there are a series of activities. These activities are all the phonics activities for this week, so think carefully about spreading them out.


  • Education City. To start with this week I have set you a small test. Once you have completed it, it will give you some extra activities linked to how you did.
  • Times Tables Rockstars. A new battle has begun today and will last until Friday. See how many points you can get! I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes practising your tables. Remember that you can also challenge the teachers!


  • Education City. Officially it is now Spring, so it is time to look at the seasonal changes again. There are some sequenced activities for you to complete in the Science City. If you can’t print out the activity sheet, then you can draw the trees on paper or in your book.
  • As some extra, look at the different habitats we have learnt about and draw a picture or do some writing about how they have changed from Winter to Spring. The habitats we have investigated are woodland, coastal and we also looked at the Arctic and Antarctic to see how they change throughout the year.

Also, Audible ( have announced that they are making hundreds of stories free to listen to while we are closed. My recommendation for today is The Timeless Tales of Beatrix Potter. Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is my personal favourite.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs Gregory

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