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Stiperstones Work – Monday 30th March

Hi Stiperstones,

It’s Miss Lloyd-Jones here, I am really missing you all!

It’s great to see you have been doing the work Mr Field has been setting for you, well done and keep up the good work!

This weekend I have been doing a little bit of baking and so I thought that if you have some ingredients already in your cupboards, it might be nice for you to try some baking this week at home with a grown up too. If you don’t have the ingredients, don’t worry! but if you do, send in a picture, I would love to see what you get up to baking throughout the week!

Each day this week, I would also like you to continue to try the Body Coach morning exercise sessions – I will do it along at home with you as well! Remember if you miss it, you can always find it on YouTube later in the day.

Also, a little reminder – please read to a grown up at least 15 minutes a day, and also remember to practise your times tables every day as well! – Times Tables Rockstars is great for this. Remember to try division facts as well as multiplication facts!

e.g. practise questions such as 20  ÷ 2 = 10, not just 2 x 10 = 20.

The faster you get at answering your multiplication and division facts the better! (Remember on Times tables rockstars, the Soundcheck game gives you 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each question – please try soundcheck at least once a day to build up your speed, as well as anythign else you would like to practise on TT rockstars). You could also ask a grown up to give you a weekly times table test like we do in school with Mrs Norris on a Monday!

I will also put spellings onto the spelling page. As I was off from school the last 2 weeks, I am unsure where you are up to, so I will put a few lists on the page, both for Year 4 and Year 5 and you can see which list you are up to yourselves, I hope this is okay for everyone! Having a weekly spelling test at home like we do in school would be good too!

In school during our Topic lessons, we have researched Liverpool, a city in the UK and Perm, a city in Russia,

Over the next few days, can you research the culture of Perm, Russia and maybe you could present your findings by making a poster about Russian culture? This could include the food they eat, traditional clothing, music, buildings etc. Or you can present this in any other way you would like to show what you have found out. Please feel free to send in any pictures to Mrs Winwood’s email address!

As well as the above things to work on throughout the week, I have also set some Maths and English on Education City for Today. 

Have fun, stay safe and keep up the good work everyone!


Miss L-J




Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Friday 27th March 2020

Good morning! Do you think this lovely weather will last? Check it out here:

So I have prepared some work for you today!

There are a lot of ‘screen-based’ activities today – feel free to spend time outside in the sunshine and complete these when it suits you!

I have had some messages from parents who have been very proud of the effort their children have been putting into their work, so keep it up! Well done!

Have a lovely Friday and enjoy the weekend – keep yourselves busy and find time to relax!

Mr F

Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning Wrekin and Stiperstones pupils!

If you have done some work you are very proud of and would like to share it, please ask your adults to send it into Mrs Winwood via email! She will send it on to me!

I suppose it’s time to get down to work!

  • 9am PE Joe Wickes Workout – we did this in school yesterday (at least 2m apart of course!) and it was really enjoyable!
  • English – I know that there are not many ‘good news’ stories about at the moment – but here is one! Australian conservationists have released many rescued Koalas back into the wild following the devastating bush fires. I know pupils in Wrekin class were very interested in the plight of the animals in Australia so  it is good to hear some animals are fit and healthy! TASK: Write a newspaper report about the release of the koalas – remember to use a headline, pictures with captions, quotes – you could also set it out in columns!
  • Maths – I have delegated each year group separate work today – it is all from White Rose Maths. Watch each video and complete the work in your exercise books – the answers are there too! Make sure you click on the correct lesson!
  1.  Year 4 Maths: Lesson 1 – Recognise tenths and hundredths –
  2. Year 5 Maths: Lesson 1 – Decimals up to 2 dp
  3. Year 6 Maths: Lesson 1 – Using ratio language

Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Wednesday 25th March 2020

EDIT: Sorry everyone – this should be live now – there was a technical issue!

Good morning – it was a great day for sunshine yesterday and today promises to be good too! Remember that going out into the garden and getting fresh air and sunshine is really important at the moment!

Here are some activities today:

Have a good day


Mr Field

Stiperstones Pupil Work Tuesday 24th March

The weather will be pretty good outside today, so make sure you spend some time in the sun in your garden – you could find some bugs, make a bug hotel (search on Google for some great ideas) or help your parents with some spring tidying.

Anyway – onto some work! I have given Stiperstones some similar work to Wrekin today – the subtraction is a good challenge for Year 4 pupils – but if it is too hard, please don’t worry. Remember to ‘carry’ if you need to!

Here you go:

Have a good day, Mr F 😉

Stiperstones Pupil Work Monday 23rd March

Good Morning Stiperstones!

I have put some work onto Education City for you today –

  • Apostrophes
  • Decimal Fractions

Also please remember to do the following:

  • Reading – at least 30 minutes per day
  • 9am – Joe Wickes Body Coach TV (YouTube) is hosting a free, live PE lesson at 9am – search him on YouTube!

I hope you have a good day, Mr Field

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